
Jun 04, 2015 19:55

This whole week was crazy. But... I have tomorrow off, and the sun is nice and bright. Let's focus on the nice things.

☆ I've started re-reading Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters, and it's quite an experience. The first time that I read it years ago, I missed so many of the Shakespeare references (and literary/theatrical references in general). I'm not sure how that happened. Anyway, it's nice to pick up on that now. Oh, and this is the novel where Magrat shows up! I've always rather liked her.

☆ As I was re-reading some parts of A Redtail's Dream last night, I realized just how much I appreciate Paju as a character. While she isn't the kind of person that I would want to be friends with, I can see some of myself in her. And her banter with Hannu is just so funny. She would be interesting to write, I think - and feeling that way is good, because I fully intend to take Anon's suggestion and write a canon-divergent AU in which she and Ville need to rescue Hannu. Though I won't start plotting that until the postcanon thing I'm working on is done. ...She'll be a lot easier to write than Hannu is, or at least I hope so. He's such a pain in the ass, I just can't get his voice right.

☆ I don't need a Fury Road t-shirt, but I want one. Maybe this one or this one or this one or -- No. Self, you do not need more nerdy t-shirts.

☆ Last night, I stumbled across some neat Finnish music. Thought I ought to share:

Eriskummainen kantele by Loituma. This is a Finnish folk band that I've heard of before, but I haven't looked into much. I think I should change that. As it turns out, some of the former members of Loituma also did work with Hedningarna, a band that I like very much, particularly on Hedningarna's Trä album, which is my favourite. ... But internet-wise, Loituma is probably best known for the Ievan polkka (the song used in that silly Leekspin meme from several years ago)

Kohtalon oma by Lauri Schreck, vocalist for the band Puhuri. It's a vocal + kantele cover of Chisu's song by the same name, Kohtalon oma, which is also worth listening to - though it has a much different sound. Anyway - I love Schreck's version of it, because the kantele just sounds so pretty. I haven't listened to a lot of kantele music, but the range for the kind of sounds it can make is much different than I expected. He has a nice voice, too - which makes me think that I should check out music by his band. So far, I like what I've heard, though at the moment I've only listened to this solo kantele song and Puhuri's Älä vie.

My Kantele by Amorphis. The song is the same as the one above by Loituma, except this one is in English, and in metal style. I've been meaning to check out Amorphis for a while, because they do a lot of music based on Finnish mythology and traditional stories, but I'm not entirely sure if their style is to my taste - I usually prefer metal with a somewhat lighter sound. Though I must say, I do love the Acoustic Reprise version of this song. Clear vocals? Yes, please, thank you.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3398802.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

languages: finnish, writing, reading, music, mad max, a redtail's dream

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