Reading Wednesday

May 06, 2015 05:50

Finished reading: A Redtail's Dream by Minna Sundberg. You can read my full review of it here. Basically, it was a thoroughly enjoyable read, and I would suggest it to anyone who likes beautifully-illustrated comics that involve things like animals, adventure, Finnish mythology, and friendship.

Also finished reading: Fools by Pat Cadigan. While I did enjoy it, most of that came down to Cadigan's writing style. I didn't like this novel half as much as Mindplayers; apparently I have a limit to how much weird I can handle. It's often difficult to keep track of which central character is driving, so to speak, and while that is absolutely intentional and is in fact part of the point, it was just too much for me. I do think the ending wrapped well, now that I've had a chance to think about it. And like I've mentioned before, I did enjoy the little callbacks to Mindplayers.

Currently reading: Jo Nesbø's The Phantom, one of the few novels in the Harry Hole series that I haven't read yet. So far, it's too early in the novel to tell what's going on. It also comes after The Leopard, which I read quite a while ago and don't remember very well, and didn't like half as much as some of the other novels in the series. But, we'll see how this goes.

Reading next: I had intended my next current read to be Terry Pratchett's Sourcery, but I couldn't find it on my bookshelf. So, it will have to wait until I dig it out. I have only vague recollections of this novel, though I've read it a couple of times; maybe this time around it will stick. It's another Rincewind novel, so I think I'll enjoy it, since I have such a soft spot for him.

Looking forward to reading: Recently, Ursula Vernon released a new children's novel, Castle Hangnail. I love her work, though I'm only familiar with her comics, short stories, and novels for adults. Haven't checked out any of her work for kids so far. But this one sounds like something that I'll enjoy, not to mention that it's also full of her illustrations, so it's on the "to read someday" list. It sounds like it would be something for me to put aside for a day when I'm exhausted and want to read a story that's charming and not too taxing.

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reading wednesday, reading

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