
May 05, 2015 19:27

It snowed today.

Look, I know I live in Canada, and more toward the north than a lot of the rest of the population, but still. This is ridiculous.

Today was, overall, not a very good day. Work was... er. And then the snow, and I wasn't properly dressed for it (because it's May, y'know, I don't think Mother Nature got the memo). And then a bunch of other little things. BUT! It's over, and tomorrow's another day.

Was listening to some Freelance Whales while at work today. They're an indie rock band that I came upon a while back entirely by chance. They kind of bring to mind a mixture of Sigur Rós and Of Monster and Men. Musically, more Sigur Rós, but vocal style leans more toward OMaM. So, I'd recommend checking them out if you're into either of those bands. Their Diluvia album is the only one I've listened to, but it's pretty good. Dig Into Waves is my favourite song on it.

... And now that I think of it, I might have recommended them here before, but - oh well. They're pretty good, but I never hear anyone talking about them, so!

May 7th is "Speak your language day" - that is, native language if ESL, or one you're learning if EFL. It started on tumblr, but if I write anything, it will be here. Not sure how well I'll be able to muddle through Norwegian after a full day of work, though...

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3390290.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

weather, languages, music

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