(no subject)

Apr 30, 2015 18:39

Received a letter from my study partner. Yay!

...Today is one of those days where Norwegian looks like complete gobbledigook to me, and I can't read a word of it. Not-yay.

Some day I'll be good enough with this language to read it after a full day's work. Some day.

I've had kind of an itch to pick up another language again. French, or Spanish, or Czech, or German. But any of those would be a terrible idea. Maybe French less so, since I already have a book for it and it would be more of a refresher, but I already mix it up with Norwegian, and that would just make it worse. And Czech would be absolute crazytalk (though it sounds so cool!) and if I were to go Slavic, then it'd be Polish that I should learn, because then I would be able to practice it by writing to my dear Tik. But, anyway. I have no intentions of actually picking up a new one - I just want to.

Update on Age of Ultron plans: There is an 11:30 showing on Saturday. PERFECT. I love very early showings. Popcorn for lunch, how wonderful. So, I'll probably see this on Saturday... unless I have one of those times when I wake up and decide that I'd really rather not have anything to do with the world, thank you very much. It happens, sometimes. Anyway, this is good! Films like this are best seen in cinema, I think, otherwise it's just not quite as much fun.

Read more of Pat Cadigan's Fools today. So far, I'm enjoying it, but not as much as I enjoyed Mindplayers. The first part of the novel is really, really weird, and I had a hard time processing what was going on. I've heard that this is relatively normal for Cadigan's stuff, but it was still a bit weirder than I expected. Plus, I don't quite enjoy the central character(s) as much as I enjoyed Deadpan Allie in Mindplayers.

The novel does take place in the same universe as Mindplayers, though, which was nice (and there were some references to events that happened in that novel, which I appreciated). As with Mindplayers, in Fools there is a lot of weird body horror stuff involving eyes, so if you're squicked by that, uh, skip it.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3389120.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

reading, languages, movies

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