
Apr 25, 2015 18:55

Jeg svarte på Qichis brev. Glemte jeg det om en liten stund fordi jeg hadde ikke tid for å skrive. Men jeg kan ikke gjøre dette. Jeg må skrive når får jeg en brev. Hvis ikke jeg svar straks, glemme jeg det brev. Dette er uansvarlig og uhøflig av meg.

☆ Watching films in Swedish is always a weird experience because I understand some things, and don't understand some others, and then there are other-other things that I feel I should understand but don't, and it's just plain weird. Such a cute language, though. ...Anyway. I watched Ingmar Bergman's Persona last night, and it is a deeply weird movie. There were some things about it that did interest me, but it was so strange that I would not recommend it to anyone because it's just -- so weird. Go watch The Seventh Seal instead, that one is amazing.

☆ Going to start reading A Redtail's Dream tonight, probably. It's been on the to-do list for a while so, why not. Especially since I ordered the print version of Sundberg's other comic, Stand Still, Stay Silent. ... Ffffff I wish that project would go more quickly, speaking of SSSS, because I want to read it really badly, but I don't want to read it online. OH WELL. (I think I've mentioned this before)

☆ Tried to write. Managed to get a few things done, but not nearly enough. My brain just wouldn't settle, so the amount that I could get down was negligible. Not good. Deadlines... they're coming closer. D:

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3387695.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, norsk blogging, reading, languages, a redtail's dream, movies

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