Nice frivolous things

Mar 25, 2015 21:20

I'm doing pretty well with the Kittens game, I think. Today my kittens invented astronomy. With luck, tomorrow they will invent navigation, and I can build ships to go forth and trade with the hostile zebras. :3 But first, I'm going to need to up the number of tradeposts I have to lower the hostility factor. Apparently the zebras are real assholes.

What I like is that, after the initial difficulty of getting started, the game isn't all that tricky, and you can pretty much just let it run all day and do its thing and it's all good. Though I will not lie, the autokittens script helps a lot.

I received the last of the packages that I was waiting for. I'm glad for that. While it's nice to have stuff arriving, I tend to worry that it'll disappear in the mail, ~never to be heard from again~. Can't have that, can we.

Anyway, one of those packages was a package of fragrance samples by SaraWen. I've kind of been wanting to get back into fragrance, and while I do have a lot already, it's always nice to try something new in order to refresh a hobby. I decided to go with the Spring in the Highlands collection, because anything with heather in it will automatically get my attention. I'm really looking to trying out the "Highland Courage" scent; I think I'll like it if the notes are true to description. Leather, moss, and heather, my favourites...!

It's a frivolity, but it's actually a very good thing. I used to be really into fragrances, but like many other things that I used to enjoy, it's a hobby that got dropped when my romantic relationships and academic plans went to hell and I spiraled into double depression a few years ago. Being interested in something that I used to enjoy is a sign (among a lot of other signs) that I'm doing pretty okay.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to these. :D If I end up liking them, I might end up buying some different ones too... the perfumer is Canadian, and I really do prefer to support small artists in my own country (as opposed to, say, Lush or BPAL or... you know what I mean).

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gaming, kittens game, fragrance, life

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