
Mar 21, 2015 09:29

☆ Signups for
nordipalooza are open! ... Well, I opened them last night, a few hours early. I figured that I might as well do it now, rather than fiddle with it in the morning. This is the fourth year that I'm running this fest, and I'm excited.

☆ Prompts for
historyfest are closed now. I think I'm going to try to fill one of my own prompts, but I also want to fill someone else's. Haven't found one that I can do yet, but I'm not finished poking through everything. Something might turn up. I really hope that there will be a lot of responses to the prompts here, because practically everything sounds good to me, and I want to read all of it. :D

☆ I've become completely addicted to this Kitten Civilization Game. Fortunately, I've reached a place where my resources are pretty balanced and I can leave it alone without needing to check it obsessively. My kittens have now invented philosophy. ;p I guess I should warn, though, that this game is a major time waster. It's delightful, but - might as well be up front about it.

☆ I've finished reading Good Omens! There was a lot more going on in it than I remembered. I barely remembered most of the stuff near the end, except for the part with the flaming Bentley, so it was a bit of a surprise. Like reading it for the first time. Good stuff. Not sure if I ship Aziraphale/Crowley the way that I did the first time I read it... mostly what I want now is just for them to be together, doing their thing. Just like in the book. (And yeah, I want to read fic. Maybe when I'm feeling not-lazy, I'll look.) Next... I don't know. I dug out The Colour of Magic and tried to read it, but found myself getting misty-eyed, so - I might need to find something else. Or read a non-Pratchett novel first. But I'll give it another try, first.

☆ Though, since I'm thinking about the subject, if anybody has a favourite Good Omens fic that they'd like to rec, that would be cool. I'm mainly interested in reading about Aziraphale & Crowley, The Horsemen (especially War and Death), Anathema, and Agnes Nutter. And also Pepper, or stuff about Them in general where Pepper plays a large part in it.

☆ The Weather Network informs me that we're sitting at -16C due to windchill. I am annoyed. Equinox was yesterday. It's supposed to be spring, and I want to wear my warm-weather clothes. What we're having right now is just... Winter with less snow and more ice. That's all this is. But, I'll still go out and head down to the cafe to read, because if I don't then I won't get any writing done, and that would be terrible.

☆ I have three packages in the mail on their way to me, and none of them are close to arriving yet, and it's driving me nuts. ALAS.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3378861.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

terry pratchett, weather, reading, nordipalooza, hetalia, gaming, kittens game, historyfest, life

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