På norsk? OK!

Mar 08, 2015 21:37

My efforts with Norwegian have been going really well lately, and I'm so glad. When I started exchanging messages på norsk back and forth with another learner, I thought that it'd fizzle out after a while, but so far it's going really well. It's kind of a relief, actually.

I think I will have to scale back a little before my messages start getting too long, though... My problem is that I'm just really wordy no matter what languages I'm writing in, and I talk too much and if it isn't in a language that neither me nor my partner are fluent in then it can get pretty tedious and difficult to reply to, haha.

But still, it's really - satisfying, that's what it is, that it's starting to get easier. And that I can more confidently write things in it. I still need to check my dictionary a lot, because there are so many words that I don't know, and I need to study the grammar more (and seriously, rather than flipping through to check something because I need it Right This Minute) but it's getting... easier. I'm remembering more words and growing more confident in it.

Though of course, er, I'm probably also learning lots of mistakes, and we're probably learning mistakes from each other, and I'm probably going to have to un-learn a lot of things. But that's okay, because at this point it's a matter of growing confident enough to use the language, and hopefully eventually (or soon?) I'll be confident enough to talk to my actual Norwegian friends in their own language. That'll be cool. (And embarrassing, because of mistakes and me having to respond slowly. But still cool.)

I think part of the thing is - I'm allowing myself to make mistakes, and allowing myself to do something badly. There's baggage to go with this, and it's always hard. The fact that I can do this is a good sign, not just for me and Norwegian, but also in general. Feels good!

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3377184.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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