How do you even....

Mar 01, 2015 21:48

Today, I re-discovered the reasons that I hardly ever play video games any more.

1. Such a time-sink. I say, "Oh, I'll only be at it for an hour" but THEN... suddenly it's eight PM and I'm sitting there wondering where on earth the time went. (But then again - what would I be doing with my time if I weren't doing that? Noodling around on the internet? When I think of it that way... maybe it's not so bad.)

2. THE PAIN. Oh my god. My neck and shoulders and hands, JFC. I have no idea how y'all who play games more often manage it. Well, I'm talking handhelds specifically; suppose it'd be different for console and PC - though I remember that I did have neck/shoulder trouble while making my way through Valiant Hearts on PC, so maybe not. How on earth - do you guys just have amazing posture or something?!

This message brought to you guys by the fact that I started playing Ocarina of Time on my 3DS today (since I want to get through that before I play the Majora's Mask re-release) and oh man, I... am kind of regretting it. But kind of not. It was such a joy to play through this game that I loved so much when I was a kid (haven't managed to get very far yet - I've cleared the Deku Tree, but that's it). It's been long enough since I played the N64 version, I've completely forgotten almost everything, so it's almost like seeing it for the first time.

Still, though. Ow.

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legend of zelda, gaming

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