
Nov 30, 2014 14:40

Spent most of my weekend in bed so far. Not as planned! But I guess it's all right.

I've been in no state to do anything that requires thought, so instead I've just been watching Lord of the Rings. Earlier in the year I went through the first two parts, now tackling Return of the King... the extended edition, which I've never seen before. There's so much extra footage, it's like watching a completely new movie. (Though also it's been ages since I watched RotK, I can't remember most of it, so it'd be practically all "new" to me anyway :'D)

I find that these films hold up pretty well, overall. And that's satisfying. I was never big into the fandom or anything, but my friends in high school were hugely into it, so that kind of has a warm nostalgia for me. (Even though I remember, at the time, wishing that they'd just shut up about it, gawd, yes, I know you think Aragorn is hot but SERIOUSLY. ... Heh.)

Can't decide if I'll watch the Hobbit films after this. I remember being un-wowed by the first one, so much that I didn't bother to go see the second when it was in theatres. I still think that they shouldn't have tried to stretch that little book into three movies. ... Oh, maybe that's what I should do, is re-read the novel! It's been a while.

Unrelated: There was new Valiant Hearts fanart in the tumblr tag today, and that makes me so happy. And the artist linked to their DeviantArt account, which is nice. I prefer when they do that, because then I can comment there rather than on tumblr. When it comes to tumblr posts, sometimes it's hard to go back and find it even if you have a detailed tagging system, and even then if you find your post sometimes replies that people leave in reblogs don't show up after a while. So it's better for me to just reply over on dA, I think. That way, if they ever want to re-read what I said, they can do that. Because I'm probably not the only person who likes to re-read the comments that people leave me, right?

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3356009.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

tolkien, fandom, tumblr, movies

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