(no subject)

Sep 25, 2014 21:02

This week was exhausting. Tl;dr: Doing a buttload of paperwork after being gone for two weeks is a pain in the ass. Who'd have thought.

The only way I was able to concentrate my way through today was due to my backlog of Welcome to Night Vale episodes and A Prairie Home Companion segments. Seriously.

It is forecast to rain all of tomorrow... but I'm going to go downtown anyway. I've been feeling restless all week and I think what I really need to relax is some quiet time alone in a cafe to write. Or read. Or something.

Haven't been feeling so well this week, either....

Lately I've been trying to read/comment more when it comes to fic. Usually I go ages without reading anything, mostly because I find it difficult to find new people who write stuff that I want to read. But there are some writers that I like who've written things that I haven't read, so I might as well tackle that. And then maybe look for something else. Because why not, really. ... And I do want to finish that HabitRPG challenge, so.

Anyway. I still have more travel entries to write. I haven't talked about Reykjavik yet.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3340577.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

habitrpg, life

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