Features I wish Dreamwidth had

Sep 19, 2014 19:15

I love the format, but there are some things that I wish existed....

-Spoiler cuts. One of the few things that I liked on LJ that DW doesn't have, and won't implement. Alas! They were so useful on anonmemes.

-Post scheduling/Queue. This is one of the few features on Tumblr that I love. Sometimes I get ideas for more than one entry, and actually have the energy to write both of them (a rare thing) and I really don't like posting more than one entry in a day if I can avoid it, and... yeah. It's just a nice feature. I know something like it exists on LJ, but I've never tried it there, as it was implemented after the move. It probably isn't in the plans for DW, alas.

Anyway. There will be more travel-related posts soon; mostly I'm too tired to think right now, haha. But I must admit, it is definitely easier to do them in bits-and-pieces according to whatever particular subject comes to mind, rather than trying to wordvomit the entire trip all in one entry, in chronological order.

OH also, unrelated, I've put together a Hetalia guild on HabitRPG. I just thought that it might be fun to put together some fandom-related challenges, so I decided to do that. And since it's public, hopefully other people will join too. I expect it will give me a little bit of an extra kick when it comes to interacting in fandom, especially stuff like reading/commenting and posting on the main LJ comm. ... Not just because it exists, but also because if you create a challenge, it automatically adds it to your task list, so I'm going to have to fulfill all three of the ones I made just to get them out of the way, PFFF.

... It would help if I linked it. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to direct link to HabitRPG guilds, but if you enter "Hetalia Fans" in the guild search, or search by guild ID (fb4f62a1-3cec-4252-862c-39a5825889cc) then you can find it there.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3339782.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

livejournal, habitrpg, dreamwidth, tumblr

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