
Aug 09, 2014 18:15

So, I went to the trouble of cooking for myself for the first time in ages. I don't usually do it when mum's here because I always feel so awkward using her kitchen... and we never have the ingredients that I like to use on-hand, anyway. So.

It's nice to know that I can do it if I have to. Also, I tried using fresh ginger for the first time. It was all right - but I think I'll need to use more next time; the effect wasn't as much as I was going for. Tried stir-frying chicken for the first time, too; I used to be worried about undercooking it but this time I just went "fuck it" and cut it into small pieces beforehand. And that turned out pretty well, too. If I get sick, I guess it's my own fault, but I'm pretty sure I won't get sick, so. :V :V

Anyway. I've been working on getting lots of fiddly things done that I need to do for my trip. Got a lot of it out of a way, though there are still a few things... like phoning the credit card company to let them know I'm going. Blah. Not looking forward to doing that, but it has to be done. I've also found out that I won't be able to get my telephone to work abroad (not without paying money and then doing a ton of fiddly crap) so... well. I'll be without a phone. But that is how it was last time too, so that's okay.

So, I've been rewatching Anno 1790 since I managed to get Tik to watch it. :D And it's going, uh, very slowly, because I'm always very slow at watching things, but I'm enjoying it just as much the second time around as I did the first time around. Maybe more than that, because it's extra-fun to discuss it with her.

I've thrown together a few icons from screencaps... and maybe if (when?) I do more, I'll post them. (They're like 99% Magdalena so far, haha. I am absolutely in love with her.)

Thinking about making muffins tonight... I picked a bunch of saskatoon berries from our garden, and I need to do something with them. Aside from like, eating all of them. Which I very well might do if I don't bake them into something.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3334014.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

anno 1790, food, life

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