
Jul 23, 2014 19:49


And driving practice. And driving in general.

Ugh, I wish I lived in a place that was small enough and warm enough that I could walk everywhere. Or had amazing public transit. But noooooo.

Work has been really stressful lately, mostly for reasons beyond my control. I won't go into specifics, for privacy reasons, but basically I need to get some information from a bunch of people in order to complete my own work properly, and nobody has been responding to my emails. I'm starting to think that all of the people I've been trying to contact are away on vacation and have forgotten to put an out-of-office notice on their emails. :|

UGH. It's frustrating as hell, and it makes me really anxious, because it means I'm not able to get my stuff done to the extent that it should be.

... Anyway.

I've been feeling a little bit frustrated lately. I've been doing some calculating, and at the rate I'm going, this big long fic I'm working on should be done in... 2-3 years. Well. That's unfortunate. I wish that I could step up the pace a little, but I only have so much free time, y'know?

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3331195.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, working, driving, life

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