This weekend was very productive! Not that I have much to show for it - mostly I just had to get fiddly stuff done - but at least I managed to almost clear off my to-do list. That's something. It doesn't hurt that the weather has been really nice, either!
Managed to get some work done on a fic, which is also good. Not the super long one that I've been poking at for ages, but something newer. I think maybe I just need a break from that long one; it isn't coming as easily as I want it to, and it isn't going the way that I want it to, and I feel like I'm not as convinced about the way the relationship is portrayed as I should be. (It's a Nor/Ger fic, and I usually see/write that relationship as starting off sexual first, and then gradually progressing toward friendship and romance. With this long thing, I'm trying to write it the other way around, starting with friendship/romance first, and it feels... weird. I dunno. I'll have to find a way to make it work, or at least to convince myself that it could work that way.)
Still slo-o-owly making my way through reading the fest fics. But I've finished half of them! It's all downhill from here. :Vb Man, why does it take more energy for me to read fic than it does to write it these days?
I re-watched How To Train Your Dragon today, and it was every bit as charming as I remembered it. I wasn't planning on going to go see the sequel, since it's kind of a pain in the ass to get down to the cinema, but now I really want to see it. I'm going to see about going next weekend. Hopefully I won't be completely spoiled for it by then.
Also, I found out which country I drew in my workplace's World Cup betting pool. I drew Iran... yeah, I'm not going to win that $1600, am I. :V Oh well!
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