
Dec 29, 2013 10:21

It's kind of weird, but over the last few days I've been feeling a little bit bored. I usually don't get bored, and certainly not when I'm off work, but there it is. I think it might be because it is way too cold to go outside - I mean, I'd love to go out to the cafe or something just as a change of scenery, do some writing there, but it's been hovering between -30 and -40C and I just can't be bothered with that. Too fucking cold, even for me. -20 is doable, but I have limits.

I don't really have any creative juices flowing right now, so I've been trying to eat up the time in other ways. Started a new file for A Link Between Worlds and have been playing on Hero Mode. It's hard, good gods, but I'm enjoying it. I hear that there are a few little extras in this version of the game if you manage to get around to it, so I'm looking forward to that. And while it's challenging, I do like the challenge. Though I have limits. I've heard of people doing zero-upgrade 3-heart runs and I'm like, dude, are you a masochist?! But then again some people are just better with games than I am. And have better reflexes, probably.

Also been doing a lot of reading. I have a lot of books sitting around my room that I haven't read. Some of these are due to size - either they're hardbacks or just plain big, which makes it impractical to take them on the bus to work with me. Might as well get through them while I can. One of those books was the collected Essex County by Jeff Lemire. It's the kind of graphic novel that I would have read in university (I know that sounds odd, but I did take a course on graphic novels as literature). It's very... literary, and very Canadian Literature. It hits all the usual points of family + freezing winters + rural life + hockey. This isn't a bad thing, but man, sometimes I feel like all the Canadian writing that I read is steeped in those four things. ... Clearly this means that I need to read things that are more genre-based. Though genre-based Canadian writing is more difficult to find than the ~literary~ stuff, I think. At least, when it comes to what bookstores in the middle of nowhere carry.

My omnibus copy of Ursula Vernon's Digger came in yesterday. Holy crap, it's gorgeous. It's so beautiful, I'm almost afraid to touch it. That's probably odd, but... oh well. It's special. I'm going to have to read it before work starts up again, else I won't get around to it, but I kind of just want to... set it down somewhere, unopened, and stare at it for a while.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3319439.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

legend of zelda, gaming, reading, ursula vernon, holidays

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