
Nov 23, 2013 19:59

✿ Ursula Vernon put out a short novel recently called Nine Goblins. I've been a fan of her art and comics for years, but never got around to reading any of her writing beyond snippets she'd posted in her journal. Well, this book is awesome. Awesome sense of humour, very light and entertaining. Rather Pratchett-esque. If you can drop the four bucks to read it, I suggest doing so. I just loved it.

✿ Went to see Thor 2 today. Found Loki more tolerable than the previous film. Found the movie entertaining in general. Also, Thor's hair is fabulous.

✿ It's been cold as fuck, and also very dark, and winter in general has left me wanting to crawl into a hole and hide. Non-social, in other words. It's annoying, because I do want to talk to people, but at the same time I just... don't. Typing anything takes effort. Blech. And it doesn't help that tiny things on the internet have been annoying me lately.

✿ The Nordic strip from vol6 was translated, and while it was cute and I love how they all look in the coloured artwork, I found myself feeling kind of uninterested with it. So many of their strips are "Nordic Meeting" kind of things, and while this one was a little bit different, it still feels kind of repetitive and bland. I want something more along the lines of the March Across the Belts strip, y'know, where something actually... happens. Though I feel a little silly saying that when really, since Himaruya's given us that strip, we've been spoiled already. (How often is it that he does awesome historical strips, really)

✿ Gave up on NaNo, heh. Even if I was doing it half-assed, I just can't do that much. But it was a learning experience - that is, NaNo, as in "write 50k in a month" (or even "work on 50k in a month, not necessarily brand new stuff) is not for me. I can't keep that pace up, I can't slam down 1.66k in a day. And that's okay. I did get a lot of stuff done, though, so it wasn't a total loss. I'm just feeling a little burnt out right now, so I'm going to set it aside for a while and do some other stuff.

✿ My Christmas shopping is still not finished yet, and it's seriously annoying. I had thought that I was done, but then some other stuff came up... and it turns out I still need to get some stuff for my dad, and something for my brother's girlfriend (??? I don't know why I'm supposed to get something for her, but mum is insisting that I should, so... uh. Well, okay!) It isn't a trouble to get those things really, it's just annoying that I have to when I thought I was done. What's worse, none of the things I have ordered have come in yet, so I've been doing the mailbox dance, ughhh. What I hate most is trying to come up with things for people to get me. Goddamn it, people, I gave you a list. "But it isn't long enough and all the stuff you have on it is boring" Well, get me gift cards, then. "But that doesn't take any effort" Christ on a cracker, I don't want any gifts to begin with! Can't we both just take the easy route here? Argh. Fuck gift-giving holidays, man.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3317993.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

hetalia, writing, nafifimo, ursula vernon, holidays, movies

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