
Oct 20, 2013 19:34

This weekend was very tiresome and I'm glad it's nearly over.

I'm thinking about how I should manage my time better. I just feel like... I should take time to watch more movies. Read more, maybe. Actually -- reading would definitely help, I think, because it doesn't involve looking at a screen, so at least it'll be easier on my eyes than anything involving a screen would be. I mean, I stare at computers all day at work... I don't need spectacles quite yet, but I will eventually. Might as well make sure not to speed that up too much, right?

Oh, but speaking of films, I was just reminded of the existence of The Darjeeling Limited. It's odd that I occasionally forget about it, because it's a film I really enjoy, but there it is. I should re-watch it some time soon. Except I can't remember where I put the DVD, hmm. It's lovely, though. And the soundtrack is great too....

Picked up the first collected of the manga Vinland Saga while I was downtown yesterday. I only have the vaguest idea of what it deals with, but with a title like that, it's no surprise I'd be interested, right? Besides, I've heard a lot of people say that it's great, so. Now, this is the fancy-schmancy collected hardback edition... I think it covers the first three volumes. Surprised that I found it in our local bookstore; they don't usually carry hardback manga.

Anyway. My buddy Lilly is organizing a prompt-based Sweden/Finland fest similar to that Norway/Iceland one that was held earlier this year. I'm kind of thinking of joining, kind of not. On the one hand, I don't have a lot of time, and I don't even ship it. On the other hand... I like challenges, and it might be a fun opportunity to push myself a little. (Besides, it's been a while since I've written anything with Finland. And I do like Finland.) And depending on what kind of prompts I get, I might be able to do some interesting research... gah, I don't know, I'll have to think about it.

If I do take part in this it will definitely interfere with my "National Fic Finishing Month" though, hmm. :|

... Oh crap, I was going to do indexing tonight and completely forgot about it. Note to self: do it tomorrow. Or something.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3314790.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

indexing, writing, reading, nafifimo, movies

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