More stuff, more things

Sep 22, 2013 17:11

I thought that I hadn't done much this weekend, but looking back on it, I guess I did.

Managed to revive the Nordic Index (Contact post and links to the Delicious + Pinboard versions are here). I'm only going to be indexing stuff that was posted after the move to DW, since there's so much of it.

Mostly I've been working on FSTs. I finished a special one that I'd made for a friend, and put in some good progress on the Den/Nor playlist that I've been working on for over a year. It's allllmost done; I just need to put together a cover and draw up some .txts - Tracklist + explanation of narrative, and lyrics/translations list. Then I'll be done.

I know the Done Thing is to host this stuff on 8tracks these days, but I HATE 8TRACKS. It's so... clunky and convoluted and just ugh.

Anyway. Sigh, people have been talking about Yuletide for a couple of weeks now. I really wish that I could join in with it, but I really am not able to commit to exchanges at this time, especially when it comes to fandoms that I've never written before. Quite a bummer. But at least I can enjoy reading what people turn out this year.

On a completely unrelated note, I went for a driving lesson today, and did a lot better than I expected to. The instructor said that I need to practice highway driving and merging, but aside from that I'm pretty okay. It's kind of a relief. I haven't been driving much ever since mum started having all her health problems, so I was really out of practice. Now, hopefully I'll be able to do it a little more. I really, really hope I'll be able to get more highway practice... driving in this city is a complete mess because of all the construction, so I need more experience with that.

It's good to know I'm doing better than I thought, though. What I want to do is practice from now, through winter, until the snow is gone, and then get my driver's license in late spring. Ultimately, the goal is to have it before my birthday (July 10th). Seems pretty reasonable. One more step toward my ultimate goal of getting out of here! (... Plus, for a while I've had some wild and crazy desire to some day drive down to Waterton Lakes national park on my own - while taking a detour through Drumheller - and then spend a week on vacation in the mountains without family to bother me. It sounds so nice. So it's one step toward being able to do that, too.)

Anyway. I have a fic that I need to revise for a friend... let's see how far I can get into that before I have to go to bed. u3u

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indexing, fandom, music, driving

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