WOW so, I played the final story in Hatoful Boyfriend, and holy crap that was INTENSE. I'm glad that I left it until the weekend, because getting through everything took literally all day, and wow. It was very emotional. I cried a couple of times. I still feel as if I need to decompress from that experience.
Definitely going to be downloading and playing Holiday Star. That might be exactly what I need in order to relax next week.
... And after playing Hatoful, I pulled out my sketchbook for the first time in over a year and
drew some fanart of my adorable nonsensical OTP. It was nice to do that, though I don't expect that I'll be doing it again any time soon. I actually really dislike drawing; it's colouring that I enjoy. So I don't do it often.
Though... birds are a lot less frustrating to draw than humans are, even if it can be hard to get the wings right, so maybe I'll try drawing cartoony birdies again. Maybe. If I get any ideas for anything that I want to draw RIGHT NOW.
I can't really figure out if the stuff that happens in route 11 is considered a spoiler or not. It's part of the "regular mode" game, but this route isn't available in the demo, and it only unlocks after a certain time. Well, I'll put my fic-related talk under a cut anyway, since it deals with that character.
I would love to write fic for this series. Genfic with plot, buuuuut... also some short friendship-y or romance-y things, maybe. But the problem is, Anghel is one of my favourites, and I'd love to write about him; he could potentially be a fucking hilarious plot device. Not to mention blah blah Anghel+Nageki OTP even if it doesn't make sense.
... Unfortunately, he's one character that I think I would have no chance in hell of writing convincingly. That dialogue. Seriously, what the hell, honey. FFFFFF. I just. Well. I have no familiarity with JRPGs, so that's one disadvantage. The other... eh. I don't know if I could get into his head. I mean, I kind of understand his mindset - he reminds me of myself when I was about 14 or 15, in a really embarrassingly close way - but the particulars of his personal mythology leave me going ????
Well, who knows, maybe I could eventually manage. I did find a list of Anghelisms and also a translation of some supplementary material relating to him, so maybe after I finish Holiday Star I'll go looking at that a bit. (Also, I hear that he and Nageki talk a bit more in the drama cds? Ahhhh I wonder if there are translations anywhere.
Anyway. Good times, good times. Highly unlikely to be writing fic in that fandom any time soon - not until I finish the second game and go through some of the supplementary material - but that doesn't matter. It's allllll good. Ah, it gives me so many happy feelings, though!
Prompts for the Whale Brothers fest go out soon, I think. Looking forward to receiving those, definitely. Hopefully I'll get something that will be easy to work with. The minimums are really short, so there's a good chance that I'll be able to get everything done just fine, but I won't know for sure until I get them and start working, I guess!