Reading and writing and brainstorming, oh my

Feb 03, 2013 15:32

These last few days have been filled with writing-related angst to the tune of "Nothing is coming out the way that I want it to" and "I don't feel like writing epic historical fic and for some reason I feel guilty about that". Same old nonsense. TL;DR I should just write whatever the hell it is I want to write, but for some reason it isn't happening. Uh. Well, hopefully I'll get over that soon.

Right now I'm reading a book about 18th-century pirates in the Caribbean ( relation to the film series) and it's kind of getting me pumped for a fic I've been plotting out for a while. Pirates aren't involved, but it is set somewhere in the Caribbean (haven't decided quite where yet). And every so often the subject of the Dutch and trade routes and whatnot comes up in the book, and that is relevant to my story. It's nice to be reading something that gets me excited to work on a project even if it isn't directly related.

I still have no idea how the heck to write Netherlands and Belgium, though. Well, I guess I'll figure it out as I go. And there's a big part of the plot near the beginning that I haven't sussed out yet but I think can be solved with a convenient storm... maybe. Oh, who knows!

Been trying to figure out the format for the Nordic kink meme fill-fest idea, and whether I should do it at all. I like the idea of having some kind of challenge to encourage people to write new Nordic fills on the kink meme, and it'd probably be fun. On the other hand, in order to get more people involved, I would have to use a tumblr sub-blog to advertise and encourage people from there to join. That's fine in theory, but a lot of people from tumblr don't understand how the kink meme works, and I have a feeling that if I did that then there would be a lot of times where I would have to explain (and re-explain) how to fill on the kink meme, and that no, posting your fill on tumblr but not on the kink meme itself does NOT count as a fill. (Jesus fucking christ, this is one of my worst pet peeves in relation to tumblr + kink meme, ugh).

Maybe it would be better to simply put up an LJ community (as I was going to do anyway) and then instead of crossposting all the entries from there to a subblog, just do one or two advertising posts on my regular fandom tumblr. That way it would be clear that all activity must take place on LJ. At least, theoretically it would be clear. One never really knows with tumblr.

Or maybe I should just put that idea aside and hold Nordipalooza again. That would probably be more work, but it was a lot of fun last time.

indexing, fandom, hetalia, writing, reading, fanwork-fest, tumblr

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