Why am I updating at 5 AM

Aug 27, 2012 05:47

Well, why not.

Felt unproductive this weekend, but damn it, I'm allowed to slack now and then. Tried working on that fic but - well, after I finished the draft, no dice. Nothing comes out, not even for revising. Decided to do a canon review; that might help. Germany's hard to write.

That possible trip to Stockholm has been pushed back to next year. This year, if all goes well, it'll be Montreal. Scrii's going to school there, but she'll only be there until December; then she's going back to Australia. So, if we're ever to meet up and hang out, it'll be in Canada (because flying to Australia would be damn expensive, heh).

Maybe I should brush up on my French.

Received my card for that fluffbingo fest. Thank fuck it's a long fest, because I kind've want to try for a blackout, heh. Right away, I can see some squares that I'm itching to fill. Should be fun. I'm going to try to do some of them with characters I haven't written before (there's one that I think would work pretty well for Liechtenstein/Seychelles... and Netherlands/Japan). Since I'm doing canon review anyway, this's good. Might help me out a bit.

Ugh, I don't want to go to work today. I want to go back to bed. Whine, whine, whine.

writing, travel

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