So, it looks like I need to start looking for a new job again.
I should've seen it coming, I guess. The entire planning department has received layoffs, so it looks like I was the next cut. I'm not upset exactly; more like just angry. I want to yell and kick things, heh. Goddamn, it seems like I can't hold down a job for more than three months at a time. The fact that it's never my fault that I get cut doesn't make it any better, either.
Lately I've been thinking about reading the Hunger Games trilogy, just because I've been hearing people talking about it everywhere. But I've heard that they're really quick reads so I'll probably just see if they have them at the used bookstore or something. I'm not about to pay full price for something that I can read in a couple of days.
I've been kind of quiet on LJ lately because between work and the Nordipalooza fest I just plain don't have much energy to do anything or talk to anybody.
Speaking of Nordipalooza, I've put up one fic for it (with Denmark and Iceland)
here. I'm poking away at a second, even though my quota is filled. Don't know if I'll be able to finish it in time, but I'm hopeful. It involves France and Norway and that's all I'm going to say about it. ;p
Argh, I wish I just had time to read everything that's been submitted so far! I feel so bad about not being able to comment right away. Well, I'll do it when the fest's over.