There's always more than you can see ♪ ♫ ♪

Dec 22, 2011 18:00

Even though it seems as if the entire world is out to get me today (tons of tiny issues piling up), I managed to have a good day in spite of it. Did a little shopping, did a little wandering about. It was lovely outside today. Maybe it's because of Solstice, but I feel really good.

It helps that Christmas is almost over. Not soon enough, unfortunately. But almost. Ugh, I can hardly wait for it to be over. I really, really dislike it and there's simply no way to get out of it. But! Only a few more days left. I can wait.

I really hope I'll find time to go see the Tintin movie while on break. Since I don't have any transportation, and my parents won't go with me, my opportunities to see it are rather limited. But I think I can make it. Hopefully. While I don't think I've mentioned it before here, I've always been a pretty big fan. Tintin was a big part of my childhood, man. Hah, I used to get in trouble for reading the comics in class all the time. (But I was finished my work! It wasn't my fault that everyone else needed more time than I did! Well, anyway). I've heard that it's actually not half bad, so I'm going to be cautiously optimistic about it.

Haven't managed to get any writing done yet, which is a pain. Well, I lie - I did manage to do a little bit last night. Not on what I should be doing, of course. That'd make too much sense. But hey, as long as I'm writing, I guess it doesn't really matter. Part of the reason I haven't edited any of the long projects, though, is because I've been trying to catch up on indexing, and that takes time. So much catch-up work, oh man. I kind of started slacking while working, because I just didn't have the energy for it at the end of the day. But now? We'll see.

[Edit] Speaking of indexing, I managed to get both the Nordic and Baltic indexes updated. Woohoo! \o/

indexing, writing, tintin, holidays, movies

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