u3u Well.

Dec 15, 2011 12:50

I've been pretty quiet lately, but there's definitely a reason for that. This job, man.

From 4:30 AM until 6:30 AM, I'm either getting to the worksite, or working. Then I have to be in bed by 10 (should be 9, but... yeah, 10). That doesn't exactly leave lots of time in the day for personal things. (Even this, I'm writing while on lunch break)

This means that a lot of the cards that I send out at this time of year will be pretty late. I'm trying to get them done but between work and everything else there isn't a lot of time, urgh. Oh well - I'm sure most people won't mind.

It's kind of frustrating, though, not having any time for everything. Oh, well. I'll get used to it.

I'm so glad that it's nearly Giftmas break, though. It'll be nice to have a good amount of time off. Certainly not what I had at this time last year. Ugh, I do not miss retail, not in the least. I fully intend to use this time to at least try to catch up on some of the things I need to do. Fic-writing/revising! Indexing! Reading! I'm so close finishing my goal for 2011, the "read 50 books" one, so close - but I don't know if I'll manage to read five more before the end of the year. Maybe if I cheat and slip in some more graphic novels. We'll see.

... But for now, it's necessary to sit. And wait. And sit and wait for the 18th to come because then I can finally have some time off. 8)


Really, I could tl;dr about my first couple of days. They were quite a clusterfuck. But now that I've settled in, it isn't so bad. Though I still am not sure exactly what my job is, or what my title is, or anything related to pay, uh... however, I'm sure that'll all get sorted out eventually. To put it simply, the person who was supposed to train me didn't, and on top of that she was kind of a wingnut. But. Anyway.

I'm trying to not get too excited about money yet, because I haven't been paid yet. But it'll be so nice to have money again when it does happen. I think I might get myself something nice to celebrate. After giftmas, I mean.


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