Sep 06, 2011 20:17
✿ I'm heading on my vacation in precisely three weeks. Starting to freak out? You bet I am. Both with excitement anddddd a bit of nervousness. The stupid part of me keeps thinking "BUT I DON'T SPEAK SWEDISH/FINNISH/ETC". The logical part of me reminds me that it won't be necessary. But, still. ... Maybe it's all leftover from that bad experience I had going to Quebec on a school trip when I was much younger. Quebec wasn't the problem; the fact that I had to go with the French Immersion class because none of the English-speaking students wanted to go was. Er.
✿ It figures that when I have a ton of other things to do (not important things; just things I want done), that's when I decide I want to knit. My brain, it doesn't make sense. Well, at least I might get some of these half-done projects finished, and that's the most important thing. I've been working on that pair of socks that I've had on the go since spring (and had to re-start three times). I also want to start a hat - but, we'll see.
✿ WRITING. I'VE BEEN WRITING. Not much, mind you. Just a bit. But I've been writing and it feels wonderful. It makes me so happy. ... I've also bought a new notebook. It was shiny, it was on sale, and the pages are just plain lines. I haven't decided what to do with it. Maybe I'll just use it to write stupid id-fic. That seems to be the only sort of thing I can actually do nowadays. But since I'm just doing this for my own entertainment, I guess it doesn't really matter.
✿ Even though it's just the beginning of September, it feels like the end of the year is approaching. It's odd! I mean, the leaves haven't even turned yellow yet (though they will soon). It makes me feel like I need to RUSH RUSH RUSH to finish some more of my pointless resolutions. :Va Oh, well!