
Jun 23, 2011 14:27

☆ I wish the brightest, nicest, sunniest days were not the days when it is 25C or higher outside. I would love to go and spend my time wandering around in the sunshine, but when it gets to that point, I feel uncomfortably warm, and end up hiding away inside. That makes me feel a bit guilty. I spend so much of the winter saying "I'm sick of the COLD and the DARK and I just want some sun, damnit!" but then when I get it, I can't handre it. Geeze.

☆ My birthday is coming up in a few weeks (July 10th). I don't want it to come, argh. I'll be 25, and somehow, I just really do not want to be 25. It just seems like a big scary number. There's also the fact that I, uh, always kind of assumed I would be going somewhere in life by the time I reached this point. But, well, I'll try not to sulk about it. I won't make much celebration of it, but I do hope for some chocolate cake. :)a

☆ So, after finishing 1984, I've started on the collected volume of the Discworld graphic novels - The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic. I've heard that as adaptations they're only so-so, and that the art is inconsistent, and blah blah blah, but regardless, I've looked forward to it. Ever since I heard that there even were graphic novels (way back when), I've looked forward to it. I might have mentioned it before, but Colour of Magic is a novel that I'm extremely fond of - it was my first exposure to Discworld, and now that I think of it, probably my first exposure to the genre of satire, period. I'm extremely attached to it. So looking at it in another form should be fun. (And this reminds me I haven't seen the live-action adaptation yet... I really should get around to that. I did like the adaptation of Hogfather, even if it wasn't perfect. I remember people having various criticisms of CoM, but can't recall what they were... to be honest, I don't think I'll mind. I don't expect it to be exactly like the novel, and I don't expect it to be perfect, so I don't think I'll mind. And same goes for the graphic novel, of course.)

☆ I feel utterly unmotivated to do anything lately, and it's really starting to bother me. I've been reading a lot, and I've been working on that whole bit with the language-learning, but in spite of that I wonder if my brain is under-stimulated. I just feel no desire to do anything, and thinking seems difficult. Maybe it's just because the days have been so warm, or maybe it's because of the whole lacking a job thing, or maybe it's because every day is exactly the same, but it bothers me. I should be able to motivate myself to do the things that I enjoy, or at least things that need to be done, shouldn't I?

reading, life

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