Jun 15, 2011 20:59

Canucks, what the hell was that.

A 4-0 loss. Stanley Cup game. What.

THEY DIDN'T EVEN SCORE -- actually that's probably what annoys me the most.

Maybe I should've known better than to hope they'd do well, but man. I just. UGH.

Vancouver, I am disappoint.


Yes, nothing much going on in my life right now, so I figured I'd vent my half-assed rage about the hockey. JFC I don't even -- well, anyway.

This weekend past, I spent the entire two days in a classroom for Driver's Ed. That was incredibly dull, and it reminded me of a lot of things I certainly don't miss about being a student - like, you know how there's always one person who will just Never. Shut. Up. And won't let the teacher just teach. Man, I hate that. Anyway, that portion is done, though if I didn't pass the written exam I'll have to do it again (haven't heard back on that yet). My first actual driving lessons aren't until the 27th, though.

BUT. Aside from that. Nothing interesting. Except roleplaying, I suppose, but what I'm doing right now is just so very self-indulgent that I'm just like... actually I'm slightly self-conscious about it, come to think of it. (Playing out a pairing that doesn't make any sense, just because we can. Well, it's all in good fun, so eh. A little bit difficult to wrangle, though - it's a challenge to throw this pairing together without it seeming too forced! A welcome challenge, though.)

AND. I'm exhausted because I stayed up too late last night reading some cheap and ridiculous action-adventure novel. If I'm not careful I might develop a taste for those things, hah. Should be careful not to stay up until 2 AM more than I already am doing, no sir. Somebody needs to whack me over the head and tell me to stop making dumb decisions.

hockey, roleplaying, reading, driving

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