I just want to see your face agaaaaiiiin ☆

May 18, 2011 09:18

☆ I keep wanting to update, but then I suddenly find myself staring at the screen, unable to come up with a single thing. Let's see if pointnotes work better. It's just, I don't want to lose track of what's been going on in my life, you know? The days are already running together as it is, and occasionally being busy with real-life things certainly doesn't really help me keep stuff together.

☆ I see that some of you are still in the middle of exams and whatnot. Good luck with that! I'm sure y'all can get through it well enough. And for those who have already had their exams, congratulations on surviving that and coming out of it in one piece. ;p

☆ For ages, this place was still drab and dead and grey, but then suddenly a couple days ago all the trees started bursting with buds. Now we have leaves and green grass and it feels so, so good to see that, finally. The lilac bushes aren't in bloom yet, but when they do come around, our back patio is going to smell heavenly. I can hardly wait until mum starts planting the flowers.

☆ My province is experiencing a large spate of wildfires right now. Apparently the same amount has been burned already this spring as was burned in the entirety of last year...? Or so I've heard. Though it did rain today, for about a week it had been awfully dry and windy. And unfortunately, a town a good while south of here, Slave Lake, has been burned in one of the fires. Not sure when they're going to start letting people return to the undamaged parts of what remain of the Slave Lake area; things aren't quite under control yet. It's troubling. As for myself - a few people have mentioned being a bit worried - there's nothing to be concerned about. There is a fire up north of here, but there always is at this time of year. It isn't close enough to worry about. It has disrupted activity at some of the oil plant sites, and some work camps have been evacuated or so I hear, but this isn't anywhere near Fort McMurray itself. Don't worry. I'm fine. (I'm more concerned about the residents of Fort McKay. They're quite close to where this is going on, and could very well be in the path of it. And I think there's another fire up close to Fort Chipewyan, argh...)

☆ Eurovision was... interesting. Man, Moldova, what was that. And congratulations to Azerbaijan, I suppose, though it's not the song I would've picked to win (it's all right, but kind of bland). I mean, I realize the actual songs don't have a lot to do with the results, but still. Personally, I was hoping Bosnia-Hrzegovina would do well, as I loved that song - and I guess sixth place is pretty good, considering. But I kinda' wish Serbia scored higher; "Čaroban" is so good, ahhh that song is just -- it makes me so happy. And I really wish Bulgaria's song had made it past the semi-finals; I really liked that one.

☆ I'd intended to have a fic written for May 17th. Didn't manage it, obviously. I'm a little disappointed in myself for not being vigilant enough to get it done, but then again, considering how hard it is to write at home, I guess it can't be helped. The story is about 1/3rd written, and it isn't intrinsically tied to the date or anything, so I will finish it and post it somewhere when it's done - though whether I'll just do it as anonymous is still to be decided. I'll just revise the opening so the date is broad and open and not directly stated. But -- yeah. Disappointed. This is just ridiculous, and to be honest, part of the reason I can hardly wait to get a job - aside from needing employment - is that then, I will be able to write. I have no trouble writing at a busy lunch table in the staff room; it's just when my parents are breathing down my neck that I find it hard to concentrate.

☆ I've been roleplaying more than usual lately. It gets kind of crazy, trying to keep up with several threads at once, but I think I'm managing it okay. But the main thing of note - I feel kind of silly talking about it, but then again, it is my journal - is that after over a year of bouncing our characters off one another, my Norway finally got a kiss from that Denmark. I've wanted that for ages, and for it to finally happen just made me really, really happy. Again: it's silly to be so happy about it, maybe -- but then again, there's nothing wrong with being made happy by small, silly things, is there?

☆ And one more APH-related thing. The recent blog updates with the little drawings of sleeping nations are just so cute -- ahhh, I'm just going to put my favourite up here so I can stare at it whenever I feel like it.

So cute ahhhhh yeah. Little stuff like this makes me so happy.

weather, friends, flailing, writing, hetalia, roleplaying, fort mcmurray, eurovision

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