Beagle's "The Last Unicorn" + Bellowhead's "Hedonism" ☆☆☆

May 05, 2011 20:39

We might be into May, but it still hardly looks like spring. The grass still isn't green, and there aren't any leaves on the trees yet. But it'll come soon, I suppose. I'm starting to get impatient! Forget tulips, I'd give anything to even see dandelions.

When I was downtown today I came across a book I absolutely had to have, ahhhh. A graphic novel version of Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn. I know a lot of people familiar with me have seen the film, at least, and some have read the novel the film was based on. Both the novel and the film were such a big part of my childhood, I can't even describe it. I remember watching the movie over and over as a kid, and my amazement and happiness when I found out that there was a book, it was just... amazing. I remember drawing unicorns all over my desk at school, hah. (Got in trouble for that, whoops)

So when I came across it today I just had to have it. Normally I refuse to spend money on hardcovers, especially if I have to buy it full-price, but... considering everything, this was a special case.

So, here's what I saw on the shelf. I was like, "Whoa, what?" - as it was completely unexpected. Oh, and it doesn't say it on the front cover, but the text adaptation was done by Peter Gillis, and illustrations by Renae de Liz and Ray Dillon. Not familiar with either of those artists, but considering how pretty this book is, I might have to take a look at other things they've worked on....

The Unicorn and the Butterfly. As soon as I saw what the art inside looked like, I had to have it. In some ways - as one can see here - it is very similar to the film, and I suppose one would say heavily inspired by it. On the other hand, not all things are similar to the film's designs/scenes/etc. Also, this book includes some parts from the novel which weren't included in the film.

I must say, I'm... not entirely fond of the fact that this adaptation illustrates Molly Grue as so pretty and young-looking. And Schmendrick doesn't look nearly dorky enough for my tastes. But I suppose, when I get around to reading this, I'll get used to it.

So, there's that. I'm so excited to read this -- but I'll have to finish the other book I'm going through first, arrrrgh.

Aside from that, something: I've recently been talking with a lot of people about a band I like, Bellowhead. Their music is just... so cool. Almost all of it is re-imaginings of traditional English folk music, so it's relevant to my interests to begin with. Not just the lyrics themselves, though - the music itself has a good amount of fiddle and accordion in it, and I love that. But what's neat is that they use a ton of brass in their music too. Folk music with trumpets and trombones and tuba mixed in? Yes, please!

I uploaded their Hedonism album upon a friend's request. It's by far my favourite - their other albums have some excellent songs on them, but I like this the best. Not all of the tracks are to my liking though - "Sally Racket" grates on my nerves because the tone of the music isn't in keeping with the rest of the album, and for some reason I just plain can't stand "Amsterdam". But I love the rest of them. So, anyway: here. Many of their songs are up on youtube as well if anyone wants to give a listen first; this one, "New York Girls", is one of my favourites. "Cold Blows the Wind" is the song that made me fall in love with them, but I can't find a good version of it on youtube, argh.

... That aside, not much going on with me. The first few days of the month weren't so great, but now, I'm just content. I hope this will be how the rest of it goes. :)b

reading, music, flailing

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