Just something quick before LJ craps out again

Apr 06, 2011 16:57

☆ LJ crapped out while I was roleplaying last night and I am still butthurt about it. GODDAMNIT. I normally wouldn't take it so badly, but I was interacting with one of my favourite players, and we don't get to play together nearly as much as I would like, and I want my Nor/Den awkwardness, damn it.

☆ ... In general, the downtime on LJ due to the DDOS attacks have left me out of sorts. Since LJ's my main internet hangout, I was left with nothing much to do on the intertubes. The past few days I've been grumbling about it on twitter, knitting socks, and occasionally going out for some fresh air. I know that doesn't sound any different from business as usual, but it IS.

☆ Since with LJ on the fritz it's difficult to contact me, I figure I might as well mention that I do have AIM and can be reached there; my SN is DarkFox64 (yeah, yeah, it's kind of oldschool, I know). I can also be contacted at Dreamwidth.

☆ In spite of LJ's issues, I have managed to get the Baltic Index and the Nordic Index updated as usual. (Lots of Den/Est in this past update... it's unusual. Don't ask me if it's decent, though, as I didn't read it)

indexing, roleplaying, wtf

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