Harmonica + thinking about the Baltdex

Dec 07, 2010 23:04

Finally, a day of rest! I really needed it. I was starting to go crazy - and next week won't be any better. Argh, I hate the Christmas season, it's so busy.

I spent a good amount of time playing my harmonica today, for the first time in weeks. Feels good! I even did some recordings, and while there are mistakes in them, I can actually hear that I have improved, and it makes me so happy.

I uploaded a snip of me playing 'Waltzing Matilda' here, but that's it for now.

That aside, the main thing on my mind at this very moment is APH-Related. That Baltic Index of mine. Man. Lately I've been considering changing formats, but I really am not sure.

Were it set up as a Delicious account, the way that I do the Nordic Index, then it would be much easier (and faster) to update, and less of a headache with regards to summarizing things and such - not to mention that finding things would probably be easier. On the other hand... there are a few issues with setting it up that way.

... wait, never mind. I just made up my mind. It turns out that Opera has relatively decent options for Delicious, so it looks like I'll be switching over. It might take me a million years to go through all the parts, but at least in the end there will be improved functionality.

indexing, harmonica

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