Apples and Pies and Pastry, oh my! ✿

Sep 15, 2010 14:52

I spent most of the morning making apple pies. They turned out pretty well! I'll probably make some tomorrow, too, because we really need to use up all these apples we picked.

Someone asked for the recipe, so here it is.

[On an unrelated note, LJ seems to be doing weird things with notifications today, so if I am slow to respond to people, that is why.]


I've never had this one turn out badly! It's always flaky and nice. I hope it works out for anyone who tries it.

For me, it usually fills two deep pie dishes and one regular pie, or two big pies and a set of tarts. Of course, it really depends on how thickly you roll it.
*If using aluminium pie dishes, I find this recipe usually makes 5.


-5 cups [1.145kg] flour
-1 lb [453g] package Crisco/vegetable shortening
-1 tbsp [14.2 g] salt
-2 tsp [9.8 g] baking powder
-1 egg
-1 tbsp [14.2ml] vinegar

1. Mix the dry ingredients together.
2. Cut the shortening into the dry ingredients. Mix it with your hands until it is all mixed and very very crumbly.
3. Put the egg and vinegar in a measuring cup. Fill with water up to 1-cup [250ml] mark, and mix it with a spoon.
4. Add liquid to crumbly mixture. Mix with hands until all mixed.
5. Form into as many balls as you think you will need, two per pie. (I usually do 3 pies, so 6 balls)


Filling measurements might change slightly depending on what kind of apples you use. We used small garden apples -- not sour, slightly tart. The proportions given here are for a large pie.

Filling ingredients

-3 to 4 cups [680-919g] of apples, cored and quartered, with skins on. [Store apples should have peels removed]
-3/4 cup [185 ml] sugar
-6 tbsp [85g] flour
-1 tbsp [14.2 g] cinnamon

1. Mix the apple bits, sugar, flour, and cinnamon together very thoroughly.
2. Pour into prepared bottom crust in pie dish
3. Dot the top with six 1/2 tsp of butter
4. Place top crust on, pinch edges and add small vents.


When we bake pies, this is how long we put it in:

Put in for 10 minutes at 425F [218C]
Then reduce heat to 350F [176C], and bake for 30 minutes.

After it is finished baking, do not cut into it until it has been fully cooled! This allows the liquid inside to solidify nicely.

If anyone tries this, please let me know how it goes for you! 'q'


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