:。・:*☆ PSA and some talk about Writing

Aug 01, 2010 15:30

☆ Did a massive friends-cut today. As of late I have been looking at my list and thinking "I don't know some of these people at all, do I?" There are a lot of people that I never really spoke to much. So, I decided to remedy that a bit. No hard feelings, okay? I know a lot of people have been renaming or moving journals lately, so if I removed you in error, just remind me who you used to be, and I'll add you again.

☆ I have been really satisfied with this new writing project of mine. The journal I post my drabbles to is completely private (except for an index and one entry with anonmeme-related writing). I can unlock something to show friends, but then I lock it right after that. It feels good knowing that I can write something and it doesn't have to be good, and I don't have to show it to anybody unless I want to, and I can control who sees it. Maybe that is a no-brainer, but it's not really something I seriously considered before. I used to just put everything in my journal, where everyone could see it - or I would not show it to anyone at all.

☆ The thing is, I'm actually quite self-conscious about my writing - at least, the stuff that is very quick, very short, and very unpolished. I love writing, but there is always the feeling that it needs to be properly finished before I can put it up anywhere, before I can show it to anyone, even friends. I don't want to be like that any more. Finishing things is great, but I need to teach myself that it's okay to do "sketches" and never finish them! This is something that I never fully learned, I guess, so I need to learn it and understand it.

☆ It's a horrible problem I have with drawing, too - if I don't finish everything, if I don't have every single page of my sketchbook completely finished, then this voice in the back of my mind says that none of it is "good", none of it is "presentable", and that I shouldn't bother. Sketches were always seen as a waste of paper and a waste of time. That's why I have so many issues with drawing, why I can't do it, I think. So, I need to learn it that way, too. I hope I'll get comfortable enough that I'll be able to just sketch away and not care - I think that's a better way to learn and enjoy it; far better than agonising over everything.

☆ It feels silly to be thinking about it so in-depth. But it just -- it feels really good, realising that actually, yes, I can write or draw something that is not good and is something that I never intend to finish, and that it's okay to do that.

writing, *psa, friends, drawing

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