
Jul 23, 2010 00:46

Headed down to the river today, where that food festival thing was going on. I originally hadn't planned to, but damnit, I didn't feel like cooking. Anyway, when I was nearly there, I happened upon a truck where someone was unloading cases of booze to take to the festival. Some teen ran up and stole one right in front of me. Unloading-dude didn't notice.

Seriously, who does that?

Anyway, I told buddy what happened, and he went off after the guy. But really, who does that? I don't even know.

Started writing recently. Nothing in particular. Been keeping a "sketchbook" journal of drabbles. 100 words every day, doesn't have to be coherent, doesn't have to be good. Might as well write something, because I haven't been doing that lately. And if I produce something good, maybe I can clean it up, I dunno'.

I realized today - maybe at more than one point during the day - that, you know, I have some really awesome friends. I think I need to acknowledge that more. Maybe if I concentrated on things like that I wouldn't be so damn grumpy all the time.

Speaking of which, I found a little package of cute stationary in my closet the other day. Don't know where it came from. Well, I haven't done it in a while, so -- anyone want me to write them a letter? You'll have to PM me your address if I do not have it or if you have moved since Christmas.

writing, wtf, friends, life

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