I feel this is important.

Jul 07, 2010 18:07

Please take note:

Not all "opinions" are okay.

Homophobia is not okay. The belief that people who are not straight are wrong, unclean, or inherently bad is not just an "opinion". It is homophobia.

Not all beliefs are valid. Not all beliefs are okay for a person to have. "Opinions" like the above are what lead to situations where people are assaulted, even killed for no reason other than being gay or even just being suspected of being gay. This happens even in "safe" countries like Canada and the United States.

If you think anti-gay sentiment of any kind is "just an opinion", and that it's okay for anyone to have that opinion, please let me know so I can remove you from both my friends list and my life.

*psa, wtf, rage

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