
Apr 15, 2010 23:21

MAN. The past week or so has been so goddamn busy, I don't even. And yet, I feel like I was doing nothing, 'cause all I was doing was homework. So so so boring. :| BUT. NOW I'M DONE. AND MY EXAM IS DONE. SO. THAT'S THAT. Though there's still other stuff that needs to be done but uh, I don't even care, man.

Now I'm just happy and relaxed and maybe slightly tipsy and just so so so so happy. Maybe it's not just because of school being less stressful from now on (I think), maybe it's got a lot to do with spring coming. When I was out walking today, I saw shoots sprouting up in someone's flower garden, and I noticed that if you look real close at the bushes alongside the sidewalks, you can see buds on them. Yesssss.

I've been working on some writing - just a little bit - and it's coming on so well, and I'm so happy. Everything's been done by hand, and not just fanfiction but school stuff too, and while before my hand would hurt after so much work, it doesn't now. It feels a little tight, but no pain. I'm going to take this as a sign of improvement. SO. IT MEANS I CAN WRITE. ... though I should probably rest for a few days orz. But then I'll go back to writing about those sexy gay countries, oh yes.

I went to McNally Robinson this evening, partly just for something to do, but also partly 'cause there was a novel I wanted to get. And they did have it! Yesss. I normally don't buy my books there because it's so expensive but sometimes they have stuff even Amazon doesn't have. 'n now I have my copy of Hold Fast. Really happy about that, because even though it's a YA novel, it's still one of the best Canadian novels I've read. It's too bad I still don't have my nice hardcover edition though... it was so pretty. ARGH I wish I hadn't had to get rid of so many of my books when I was moving from Nova Scotia; that sucked. But, now I can re-read it. I also picked up Pratchett's Johnny and the Bomb... they had Unseen Academicals too, but I think I'll wait until it comes out in paperback. Ffff speaking of hardcovers I went through the history section not expecting to find anything... and I kind of didn't... but they did have a big fat book about the history of the Vikings and such and it looked really good but it was fifty bucks, guhhh. No, I didn't buy it. Maybe I'll see if the school library has it. Or wait until paperback. Getting stuff from the library is all right, but I like to make notes in my historybooks and put stickytabs on the pages I find interesting and stuff. I never want to give back library books, derp.

ANYWAY. Cool story, bro. When I was heading back I decided to walk home. I missed the bus, so I figured, WHATEVER. It'll take less time for me to walk home than it would to wait for the bus. So I just... walked home. It took me about an hour. :| I keep forgetting how far away the book store is from my place. BUT. IT WAS SO NICE OUT. Not too hot, not too chilly, juuuuust right. MAN I love this time of year. Except for the part that everything still hasn't cleaned itself up from winter, so there are dead leaves everywhere and the grass isn't green yet... but at least it's nice and cool. Ahhhh~

medical issues, school, writing, weather, reading, saskatoon, life

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