Dooo-wah, doooo-wah~

Jan 25, 2010 02:16

There are a pair of drunks hanging about in the foyer. I'm not sure if they are people who live in this building who have just forgotten their keys, or if they are just some random slosh'd dudes. Regardless, I'm not about to go and find out who they are or what they're doing here.

Been having issues recently with the heating in my apartment, again. It's been too damn hot. I have no idea what's going on here. Last night I swear it felt like it was 20C in the apartment. Like it was summer or something. Well, this afternoon I'd had enough, and turned off one of the radiators. For most of the day it was okay, and now it's pretty okay, but we'll see how things go. I'm getting sick of all this. :|

Yesterday I tried to do some drawing, for the first time in ages. It went okay, got a couple sketches done. The problem came in when I tried to scan it; the scanner wouldn't pick up my pencil. So I inked it, since I planned to computer-colour it anyway. And man, I remember now why I decided to stop inking things, and switched to doing graphite and coloured pencil work only. Inking puts a cramp in my hand somethin' awful. Certainly doesn't help with my current condition. Well, when it comes to feeling stiff and hurting today, I've nobody to blame but myself.

But aside from the inking, I'm happy enough with it I guess. Sure, it's just portraits, but I do like drawing faces. It's maybe the only thing I like drawing. And I did resolve to try drawing more, at least something rather than nothing at all. Might as well be faces. I need to practise how to do expressions anyway; that's something I never really learned. I think it's partly because, y'know, back in the day when I actually did draw, I wanted everything I drew to look good, so I held back from exaggeration and different types of stylization. I wanted my sketchbook to be "presentable", and I hated "wasting paper". Well... maybe sometimes it isn't a waste. With that in mind, I should probably get a new sketchbook, maybe one made from cheaper paper or something, because I've a feeling that otherwise I'll hold back, not wanting to "ruin" my "presentable" one. Pfft.

Aside from that, I haven't done much this weekend. Just some roleplaying. I did enjoy it, though, so that's all good. It's so weird, though. Even after all this time I still haven't really adjusted to LJ-comment format play. But I am getting used to it, somewhat. Decided to change the way I format things as well, make it easier... but that's all just mechanic stuff. Regardless, I'm starting to have fun with it again, though playing Estonia still gives me a lot of trouble. He's a hard one. But if I keep at it, then I'll have kept my goal of playing one thread per account per week for a whole month. That's twelve threads, some of them very long. That's pretty impressive, considering I used to only play like... a couple times a month, period.

And now, to try to sleep. In the morning I'm going to be heading out to get some medical stuff done (related to the hand, again). Fun, fun.
... Aside from that, I really should figure out where the bottle depot is. Hmm. The bag I've been putting my soda cans in is starting to get full. Sure, I won't get much money back if I take them in, but it'll make me feel better and -- well, I'm not one to turn up my nose at a dollar or two.

apartment, medical issues, roleplaying, drawing, life

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