While I didn't get a whole lot done today, I did go out and do some important errands, so at least that's out of the way. Had to go to the bank to take in some change. While I was there I checked a few things out and got some numbers and then when I got home I set down to take a good look at the current state of things.
Based on current numbers, I'm good for money until February. March if I dip into the savings, but gods know I'll only do that if there is an emergency. I'll have to keep a close reign on my spending, but everything should be fine until maybe mid-February. Right when I return from Christmas I'm going to be looking into getting a job, and I've figured out roughly how much I'll need in order to make it all right. Thing is, this ain't Fort Mac. I could make $13.50 working at Superstore in Fort McMurray, but I have no idea what is typical here. I'm going to aim for $10/h at 25h/w. That'll cover rent and expenses and everything, with about a hundred dollars of wiggle room for emergencies (and if there are not emergencies, I can put the extra away for Finland).
In some ways, I wish it was January already, so I could start looking and stop worrying.
Tomorrow (well, technically today) is going to be cleaning. And homework. And more cleaning. And I think that I'll try to get outside a bit, go for a long walk like I used to back in September. I'm sick of being stuck inside all the time, and I'm sick of sitting at a table doing homework. Should be going for walks every day, since the weather is still not too bad. Ughhhhh I'm so frustrated with everything. 8|
Should probably also work on getting cards done. Don't want to let it go too long, as some of them will take a while to arrive.
[edit] And since I can't sleep right now I figured I might as well continue.
I finished Odd's End by Tim Wynne-Jones this evening. Had started it ages ago, but hadn't found the time to do leisure reading (as is usual during the school year). To be honest, I'm not quite sure what to think. I still love this author because of The Maestro (I must confess, it's one of my favourite novels, ever) but this one - hmm... no. I found it hard to get into, and while it was certainly more interesting by the end, I still find myself a bit disappointed. On the other hand, it was his first novel, so maybe I shouldn't judge too much.
Story aside, I always love reading fiction set at a location in Canada that I have actually seen with my own eyes. This one was set in Nova Scotia, mostly in Mahone Bay and Lunenburg. Reading stuff like that, it kind of makes me want to write more stories set in Canada. Maybe dust off that ghost story idea I've had sitting around, the one that would be set in Halifax. .... Bah, who'm I kidding, I haven't the time to write novels; I barely have the time and energy to write fanfiction. (Though I do have some fic ideas kicking around that I have planned to set in Nova Scotia... Hmmm)
[edit again]
...Oh. My. God. Ffffff I should have known it'd only be a matter of time before they'd play that Estonian cover of Rybak's "Fairytale". I don't know why I'm so amused - I just am
brb shippin' Norway/Estonia