
Oct 26, 2009 23:14

"Learn yourself some Finnish, man," Minako tells me. Pffffff, la~ Lovely though it is, I have to object. Useless for me, that. Need to concentrate on learning French instead! But maybe when I go to visit her, I'll use some fail!Finnish, try to get a laugh out of her.

Today has been up and down and up and down. Basically, I'm sick of school, I hate writing essays, and I really miss having an office, and by the time I'm done this assignment I will know more about West Midlands middle english dialect than I ever wanted to know. I'll never be able to read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight again.

The essay was supposed to be due tomorrow, but I really can't manage that tonight. Fortunately for this class we get one free one-week extension. I'm going to cash it in. I wish I didn't have to, but I'm going to. I thought I was getting better, but, well, who knows. I'll just try to pick things up, I guess. I really am getting better, in a way, it's just - well. Not quite there yet.

I'm going to go to bed early tonight, after the laundry is done. Need to get up early tomorrow. I don't want to be a zombie when I'm in professor Liu's class. It isn't right. I love her class, I love her teaching, so I want to be awake for it. To be honest, I feel like I've been kind of zombie-like in all of my classes, all month. I have a feeling that my profs have kind of a negative impression of me. I'll do my best, but... well. It's hard.


school, friends, sick, laundry

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