First of all,
Shirota's Waratte iitomo appearance can be seen
Link sent in by
yochi ---------------
As Shirota mentioned in
his blog, he appeared on Rajikaru
And I've stolen more caps from
Next back to the Birthday project.
I wasn't so clear about what I said the last time, I think?
Last year we sent a scrapbook, mix CDs (including songs sung by members), a birthday gift and a Christmas gift and threw in a gremlin and letters and cards from members.
GO HERE to see them.
A picture of the gift was posted in his blog,
This year, we're thinking of printing the scrapbook. Here's what I was thinking:
We use to print it, members will get two pages that face each other.
The page on the left could have a profile pic (not of the person if they're shy) and a message to him in simple English and maybe we'd have a theme, as in each person says something good that happened in their country the year he was born. (I looked at the book printing software and it's really easy to use)
On the facing page, you could have a collage of pictures from your country, not necessarily themed like last year though.
We really want to emphasize that we're from all over. So we'd have a map with stars over the places people are from and the people who are in the book would have blue stars and the people not in the book could have red stars.
Then the book index would have the entries sorted in alphabetical order of the country.