Year in Review! Abridged.

May 30, 2008 13:01

Hey look, it's been a full year since my last LJ post. So let's take a short look at my life over the past year.

May 2007: Graduated college
May-September 2007: UNEMPLOYED
September-December 2007: Found a job as a seasonal driver for FedEx, hard work but good pay. I made more than enough money to keep paying my bills during...
December-April 2008: UNEMPLOYED
April-Present: EMPLOYED!

I finally got hired at an honest-to-goodness office job, basically doing data entry, five weeks ago. I'm grateful to have it, and I was amazed this place was willing to overlook the fact I have zero work experience and actually take my education into consideration. The pros of this: The prestige of saying I'm a working man, the parents no longer nagging me to find a job, having money. CONS: Not nearly as much free time to enjoy that money, and that's it I guess. So basically I lounged around playing video games for 2/3 of the year. In summation: BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE?
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