Got press passes to
Watchmen tonight.
I think I liked it. I liked the way most of the narrative was framed, and I thought the soundtrack was great and well-used. While some of the story faltered (and to be fair, I haven't read the comic, so I have no basis of comparison) it is overall a solid, clearly labor of love film, and I would recommend it.
My friend Josh and I went to the theater something like two hours early to wait in line. The theater, which is licensed to sell alcohol, ran some sort of special where one could receive a promotional Watchmen button if one bought a "Comedian Martini." The problem seemed to be that no one at the theater knew what a Comedian Martini was...including the staff running the promotion.
But Josh wanted the damn button. And I was bored.
So finally, after much hemming and hawing, a manager comes up and decided that a "Comedian Martini" was just whatever martini was ordered. And so I stood in the lobby, drinking the worst Cosmopolitan I'd ever tasted...all for a stupid button.
Oh. And they let me keep the glass. Which has a button on the underside of the base that makes the stem light up in four different colors. And it's cheapo plastic. And I just realized that I left it at the stupid theater.
Ah, well. At least I have my R4 card in a semi-functioning state. Scotch tape can only last for so long; I guess I'll have to buy another one. Durr.