Just wanna make my lj a little bit more active, and not completely dead :P So I'd like to share some short translations I did recently and quite some time ago, which I already shared elsewhere, but not here yet. Enjoy!
*Note that most of the translations are very rough, not word by word. And as usual, feel free to correct any mistranslation you find. I'm in no way fluent in Japanese yet. :P*
1) Tweets about Captain's acting by Ando Lloyd Producer
Basically, the producer of Lloyd kinda praised Captain's acting ability expressed through his body language. He said that while Captain has really wonderful facial expression, he also excels in other expressions like his fingertips (for real? lol) and his posture. Be it angry expression, ordinary expression, kind expression. They're expressed through calculated body language like his fingertips, his eyes, movement of his head, angle of the back of his body. In his opinion, Captain's work is worth studying on.
Then he gave an example from a scene in Oda Nobunaga where Nobunaga had a meal with Dousan. *don't remember the exact details, but I think in that scene Nobunaga was very cautious of Dou-san's movement, like he could have been attacked any time and he himself was ready to take Dou-san's life any time, too if that's the case* Producer said that such feeling could be expressed in that scene even without a dialogue. He thinks it's a pity when people can't see through the essence in Captain's work.
Lastly, he compared Captain with all those legendary actors (including Hagiwara Kenichi, Matsuda Yusaku, Mizutani Yutaka, Tsuruta Koji, Takakura Ken). He thinks just like those actors, Captain can express a thousand words through his body language.
2) An article about Captain's acting on a magazine by a certain professional
*Only this translation was not done by me, apneatic_melody kindly helped summarize the gist of it. I just love this piece to bits. Kept nodding my head while reading her summary till my head could easily fall off...lol*
"They say he's an actor who can use his entire body in his art and yet his talent is going to waste because of directors who think all they have to do is shoot popular actors faces up close and give them long lines instead of working with body language more.......It basically criticizes (in a very eloquent way tbh) how filming nowadays is drowning in exposition and cheap tricks and won't let actual, less-is-more acting shine."
Note that the person who wrote this article must be pretty old as he mentioned working with actors like Mukouda Kuniko and Morishige Hisaya.
3) Nakai Kiichi-san's mention of Captain on "Bokura no Jidai"
Nakai-san guested on Bokura no Jidai together with Koizumi Kyoko-san on a show "Bokura no Jidai" (They're co-starring in the drama "Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi" airing on FujiTV right now.) They kinda discussed various topics and then it led to a talk about Captain.
Roughly, it started with Koizumi-san praising Nakai-san and telling him that the popular idols whom he co-starred with like Arashi or SMAP seem to like him. Then she said recently when she met Captain at Wangan studio, he was also like "How's Kiichi-san?" Nakai-san responded to that by saying he's happy to hear that Captain thinks about him. However, in the past when he asked Nagashima Shigeo-san (a legendary baseball player) who's the person Nagashima-san wants to become like, the answer he got is "Ichiro" which kinda made him feel goose bumps. It's like while people (including him) aims at being like Nagashima-san, the person whom Nagashima-san himself admires is Ichiro! Nagashima-san gave a reason that Ichiro's great effort and sense is just excellent.
Then, Nakai-san told Nagashima-san "For me, when I co-starred with Kimura-kun, after all I really learned a lot of things from him." He then explained that although he thinks that it's better to have seniority system, when it comes to the public, there's no such thing like higher & lower status for actors. That's because the acting world is a world of actual skills. So, he himself also aims at being like kouhai actor (kinda learn stuffs from them, too).
4) An article about Captain's acting by Toji Aida-san as a part of his Map of SMAP series
http://entertainment.rakuten.co.jp/special/smap/vol44/ For this article, I don't have a translation for you as it's too long and I'm not capable of properly translating the whole thing, too. :P I just understand most of the parts, not every part. But I highly recommend it for anyone who can read Japanese as the author really has a way with words and his analogy is always just excellent. His article really does justice to Captain's acting skills. :) I'm not exactly sure on this, but I think Aida-san is a regular writer on a movie magazine. Last year he also wrote an article about SMAP as an actor on a magazine "Kinejun".
I just love how Captain is really admired by so many professionals in the field & veteran actors, who are able to see through details in his acting. Being admired by such veterans like Nakai Kiichi-san, Endo Kennichi-san (he really seems to fanboy Captain a lot both as an actor & as a person based on the interview on King's Brunch during Ando Lloyd xDD And Captain himself is a big fan of Endo-san, too...hehe) or Kagawa Teruyuki-san, to name a few, is totally hanpanai! And if you remember the Drama roundtable corner on SMAPxSMAP a few years ago, it's just amazing how Captain's acting also made such an impact on his younger co-stars like Yamamoto Koji, Sato Ryuta or Yamamoto Yusuke. ♥
5) Tweets from Hyakuta Naoki-san
These are tweets by Hyakuta Naoki-san, an author who guested on SMA-shin High School last night. As some of you may recall, he's an author of the book "Kaizoku to Yobareta Otoko" (The man who was called a pirate), which was one of Japan's bestselling fictions a few years ago and won a certain book award. He once said that if ever this fiction will be adapted into a movie, he'd like Captain to play the protagonist's role.
Roughly, he said that during the recording of SMAPxSMAP broadcast yesterday, although Captain passionately said "Monster was interesting/fun to read!", this part was cut during on air. It's extremely regrettable. (He said this with emoticon ^^ xD) However, the fact that Captain did read this fiction really left a deep impression on him.
And then he said actually before the recording of SMAPxSMAP, when he's talking with Captain, it's confirmed that Captain also did read his other novel "Kaizoku to Yobareta Otoko" And he was also impressed to hear that Captain enjoyed reading that book as well. (again with that emoticon ^^ lol)
1) Baby SMAP (unaired ending talk with May J)
Nakai asked May J why her singing voice doesn't fluctuate at all, be it during rehearsal or real broadcast. May J replied that she doesn't possess perfect pitch, but she has relative pitch and went on explaining perfect pitch vs relative pitch.
So, Nakai said that he really wants to have relative pitch, too. And then Captain asked him if she said she'll give such ability to him, how much he'll pay for it. Nakai said "200 million", which led to Captain's reaction like "wooo, this is a real thing!" LOL!
2) Nakai's comment about Kokuritsu on a show to bid farewell to the old stadium
"As an artist, SMAP was the first that performed a solo live at Kokuritsu. In order not to lose to the (big) existence of Kokuritsu, I remember that I sang with all my might. For SMAP, it's the best memory we can't forget through all our life. I think the new Kokuritsu will be a wonderful stadium that brings energy to Japan."
「SMAPはアーティストとして始めて国立で単独ライブをやらせていただきました。国立の存在感に負けないよう、必死に歌ったのを覚えています。 SMAPにとって一生忘れられない最高の思い出です。新しい国立競技場も日本に元気を届けてくれる素晴らしいステージになってくれると思います」