Nov 11, 2011 09:47
It was a long time... I totally didn't have time to post:)
Right now I'm at school, and have some free time.
Many things have been happening since I didn't post:)
It was Koki's birthday:D A very late Happy Birthday Koki-kun^^
It was also my birthday too:D I'm already an adult:) It was a beautiful day, but it could be better:) I get very much beautiful presents:) Thank you everyone:)
My birthday was between two bishis, so... it's an interesting experience^^
And Jin... I'm very proud of him^^ I will post a longer one about this:) I promise:)
And I have to post about many thing also^^
So if I will have time, I will post many many thing^^
I think this is a "things to remember" post:P
csak az enyém