Большой список учебных заведений -
Составители - Sheila Wright и Bonnie Hohhof (SCIP)
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Те, у кого указан в этом списке Masters Degree - под катом.
Думаю, и здесь прислушаться к совету уважаемого
dimac_astr. Когда начнет работать магистратура по конкурентной разведке, мы попробуем с ними установить контакты.
Почетным членом
Сообщества Практиков Конкурентной разведки (СПКР) является
Jonathan Calof, так что помощь в этом нам будет.
American Public University (US)
Masters Degree Intelligence Studies.
This program provides professional, graduate-level academic education in the interdisciplinary field of intelligence studies. The program's core courses impart substantive knowledge and analytic skills required by all professionals in the intelligence community. Students may also pursue concentrated study in functional areas, regional studies, or intelligence sub-fields. Student learning is greatly enhanced by the diversity of program professors with strong professional and academic backgrounds in intelligence studies, many who currently work in the US National Intelligence Community. Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to apply intelligence processes and procedures in the commercial community.
http://www.uniguru.com/studyab...grams.html Johns Hopkins University (US)
Carey Business School
Masters Degree: Competitive Intelligence Concentration
Competitive intelligence should be part of everyone's job description - from president to analysts. Areas where CI professionals work include competitive intelligence or analysis; marketing planning, research, or analysis; strategic planning; information center or services; business development/product planning/R&D; financial planning/counterintelligence; and others. Through the Competitive Intelligence concentration, students can apply leading-edge decision-making, analytical, and knowledge management techniques, strategies, tools, and methodologies to enhance organizational intelligence. The "professional of tomorrow" will need to possess these knowledge areas and skill sets to be competitive in the marketplace.
http://carey.jhu.edu/mbaprogra...ses/?C=608 American Military University (US)
Masters Degree Intelligence Studies
Competitive Intelligence Concentration
The Master's Intelligence Studies provides professional, graduate-level academic education in the interdisciplinary field of intelligence studies. The program's core courses impart substantive knowledge and analytic skills required by all professionals in the intelligence community. Students may also pursue concentrated study in functional areas, regional studies, or intelligence sub-fields. Student learning is greatly enhanced by the diversity of program professors with strong professional and academic backgrounds in intelligence studies, many who currently work in the US National Intelligence Community.
http://www.amu.apus.edu/Catalo...igence.htm CERAM Business School (France)
Masters in Logistics an Supply chain management
Course : Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence
Competing in the new knowledge econcomy requires a continuous process of transforming information into intelligence and a capability to create and leverage knowledge. This course describes the different concepts and tools used to evaluate the firm's external environment. It gives students the opportunity to learn how to develop evolutionary hypotheses and scenarios. At the same time it explains what mechanisms companies use to replicate and to adapt existing knowledge.
http://www.ceram.edu/index.php...Curriculum lscm.html
Graduate School Rhein-Neckar (Germany) Competitive Intelligence Engineer (certificate)
The Graduate School Rhein-Neckar has entered into a strategic partnership with the Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI), which is based in Butzbach. A new certificate study program - Competitive Intelligence Engineer (CIE) - has been developed together with the Institute for Management Information Systems (IMIS). From autumn 2008 onwards interested individuals can complete the course within 6 months, by attending 19 workshop days alongside their current occupation and passing a final exam. The Graduate School Rhein-Neckar is a common institution of the University of Economics Ludwigshafen and the University of Mannheim, the Mannheim University of Cooperative Education as well as various academic and industry partners. It offers practice-oriented academic higher education and leading edge Masters programs. Special programs and methodology enable participants to immediately put their skills into practice.