Just a follow up to my earlier post about FarmVille on Facebook. Feel free to ignore, it's just numbers geekery.
Just updating my results, including new information for Crops and Animals. Changes will be bolded, for ease of use.
2.50 Strawberries
1.00 Eggplant
0.90 Wheat
1.38 Soybeans
1.38 Squash
2.88 Pumpkin
1.24 Artichokes
3.00 Rice
5.50 Raspberries
1.63 Cotton
2.25 Bell Peppers
3.21 Peppers
3.33 Aloe Vera
2.75 Pineapples
6.50 Blueberries
2.11 Watermellon
3.54 Grapes
7.25 Tomatoes
2.71 Potatoes
6.25 Carrots
6.75 Coffee
2.99 Corn
6.88 Sunflowers
Not high enough level to access the rest of the crops
In addtion to Tomatoes (7.25), Blueberries (6.50) and Raspberries (5.50), we can add Carrots (6.25), Coffee (6.75) and Sunflowers (6.88). The three new crops are all at the longer ends of growing times, at 12, 16 and 24 hours respectively. So, if you only plan to check in once a day or so, consider those.
0.25 Cow
0.33 Chicken
0.50 Brown Cow
0.63 Pig
0.94 Duck
1.13 Goat
0.39 Sheep
0.78 Black Sheep
1.17 Horse
1.67 Swan
0.63 Rabbit
Adjusted EPH
01.00 Cow
05.33 Chicken
02.00 Brown Cow
10.00 Pig
15.00 Duck
18.00 Goat
06.22 Sheep
12.44 Black Sheep
04.67 Horse
26.67 Swan
10.00 Rabbit
First of all, I removed the Ugly Duckling from the lists. Thanks to the recent update, you can no longer collect feathers from them. Transformation into a Swan is the only choice. I also corrected a typo for the Black Sheep. I was using the Harvest price from the normal Sheep in my formula by accident. The new EPH and Adjusted EPH are now on the charts. And finally, I added the numbers for the Swan. The Swan is by far the most coin for a square so far. It just takes luck to get them. And then time.