WashPost o Сирии.

May 07, 2013 13:29

Прочитал вот эту статью и очень сильно расстроился. Не у того Кэрри ищет поддержки. Вот что написал в Facebook:

After the recent chock-full rally in Moscow, gathered tens of thousands of relatively well educated, high income, pro-western protesters, dictator Putin will not express any will to cease backing dictator Assad and therefore give up a civil massacre in Syria. These days Putin can't even sleep well because he clearly realizes that he is the next bloody dictator in the line to be ousted. Afterall, it's a tiny planet and thus here is not much room left for any dictators. Therefore, I hope Sec. Kerry will no longer seek for Putin's support in any form. This great country does need a help of one dictator to get rid of his fellow butcher.

США, Путин, Кэрри, Сирия

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