(no subject)

Apr 30, 2008 16:21

TEN Things People Won't Guess By Just Looking At You:
1. I love food... alot
2. I love candy... alot
3. My fashion design teacher actually liked my stuff
4. iiiiii.... have a tiny scar near my hairline
5. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... like to sleep
6. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii don't like coffee
7. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm very unorganized
8. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii don't like alcoholic beverages
9. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii don't like tofu
10. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii am fated to be your evil dictator

NINE Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1. Buy a house
2. Build my glass fireplace in my house
3. Figure out humans
4. Invent hoverboards/personal flight devices
5. Figure out a working schematic for a brain control device, not necessarily BUILD it... or anything... >>
7. have a puppy/dog
8. have a bunny
9. stand there laughing evilly on the balcony of some really tall building at dusk

EIGHT Things You Say Every Day:
1. hello
2. bye
3. I'm hungry
4. good night
5. blugagagagaga
6. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7. i don't wanna go to calc
8. the

SEVEN Things You Hate:
1. people who think they're all that but are the stupidest things on earth
2. when little kids sneeze on their hands/wipe their noses/pick their nose then touch you
3. being yelled at
4. Poetry/AP Lit
5. turning into a vegetable (both connotations)
6. public bathrooms
7. not having monies >>

SIX Things You Love To Do:
1. Sleep
2. Eat
3. Just stand in a hot shower in the middle of winter doing nothing
4. play computer games
5. squish squishy things/fuzz fuzzy things
6. fly

FIVE People You Look Up To:
1. Myself
2. Me
3. Moi
4. I
5. Je

FOUR Places You Want To Visit:
1. Europe - all the places with good food ^^
2. Australia - Great Barrier Reef, KANGAROOS! KOALAS!
3. Brazil - Amazon Rain Forest... after a LOT of vaccinations
4. Outer Space

THREE Things You Think You Could Do Without:
1. Anxiety
2. Blindness
3. Deafness

TWO Things You Never Want To Do:
1. Get mixed up with a mob/loan shark
2. Fall in love

ONE Person Who Has Changed Your Life For The Better:
1. Me

* . . About You . . *

Eye Color:: 5E2612
Hair Color:: 201005
Height:: 5' 4" >> GROW GODDAMNIT *yells at legs*
Favorite Color:: Blue (Cerulean to be exact)
Favorite Movie:: Stick It (yea yea gymnastics movie but absolutely hilarious)
Favorite Show:: Need I say... AVATAR ... and BONES (the only two shows that I follow closely)
Your Car:: Invisible! Insubstantial! Free! Manually operated (completely... you walk, it 'moves')!
Your Hometown:: N/A moved around too much to have a 'hometown'... though i've been in hillsborough the longest
Your Present Town:: Hillsborough, New Jersey
Your Crush's First Name:: Cream-O-Land
Your Grade:: 12
Your Style:: Clothes... made of cloth... that you can wear... ooooooo... (loose, soft stuff :\)

* . . Have You Ever . . *

Sat on your rooftop?: no
Kissed someone in the rain?: ... my mom?
Danced in a public place?: yush... if you consider what i do "dancing"
Smiled for no reason?: All the time ^^ well... subconsciously there might be a reason.. like to see how people react
Laughed so hard you cried?: Tears ...yes... bawling chin dripping wet... no
Peed your pants after age 8?: No... age 7 yes...
Written a song?: Yea... it sucked... lots
Sang to someone for no reason?: .... not really... generally if i sing at you its to annoy you or you just happen to be nearby when I feel like singing to myself :\
Performed on a stage?: Yea... ballet... piano... cruel and unusual torture...
Talked to someone you don't know?: yes.... i mean... everyone has Oo the first time you talk to anybody is when you 'don't know' them... you don't magically become prescient of the details of someone before meeting them... unless you're one of those people who google's everyone before you talk to them... which is just weird... and inefficient
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Never. People = not my strong point
Made out in a theatre?: no?
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: YUSH!
Been in love?: My heart burns with passion at the thought of tomorrow's lunch where I shall meet again with my darling milk carton 8) *sparkly eyes*

* . . Who was the last person to . . *

Say HI to you?: Anvi, on the bus home
Tell you, I love you? ... i don't remember but probably my mom?
Kiss you?: my mom...
Hug you?: my mom -____- this is repetitive
Tell you BYE?: Anvi... on the bus home
Write you a note?: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... ananya like... two months ago?
Take your photo?: my mom -___- again
Call your cell phone?: .... Tiffany? When i was in SF? The only time i HAD a cell phone Oo
Buy you something?: technically stacy on sunday but i paid her back >>
Go with you to the movies?: uhhhhhh.... been a while... have I seen anything after Cloverfield? If not then Stacy, Nilima, and a bunch of college freshmen who i don't really know
Sing to you?: ME
Write a poem about you?: .... eheheheheh that would be SO creepy @-@
Text message you?: never had a phone with that capability :\
Touch you?: ME! 8D

* . . What's the last . . *

Time you laughed?: Ninth period... watching the Japanese pranks
Time you cried?: ... Monday? yea... monday...
Movie you watched?: Little Miss Sunshine... not horrid... but not so good as people make it seem
Joke you told?: like... proper formal joke? then... the lawyer-hating truck driver one...
Song you've sang?: My Favorite Things from Sound of Music
Time you've looked at the clock?: ... 4:30... ish?
Drink you've had?: School water... blech
Number you've dialed?: Cornell financial aid office (JE LES DETESTE)
Book you've read?: Fountainhead... still reading...
Food you've eaten?: Orange slices (the candy)! or if you mean "food" food... one of stacy's rice cake thingies
Flavor of gum chewed?: errr.... whatever flavor kori's chicklets are?
Shoes you've worn?: my sneakers
Store you've been in?: Shop Rite
Thing you've said?: "OK" to the financial aid people

* . . Can You . . *

Write with both hands?: technically yes....
Whistle?: ffsshhhhoooooooo .... better than stacy ;D
Blow a bubble?: YUSH! but i haven't in so long T_T
Roll your tounge in a circle?: ... vertically yes! 8D (horizontally.. .no)
Cross your eyes?: if i try hard enough
Touch your tounge to your nose?: nope
Dance?: anyone can dance ^^ especially since its any movement done 'to music' though some professionals do ignore the rhythm sometimes >>
Gleek?: what?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yea... but i haven't done it recently :\
Speak a different language?: What's snow in chinese? Xue!
Impersonate someone?: errr... over the phone i can impersonate a little kid or a man....
Prank call people?: ... i probably COULD... but i wouldn't Oo
Cook anything?: Duurrrrrrr.....

* . . Finish The Line . . *

If I were a ...: billionaire... i'd be very very happy indeed
I wish ...: I could fly ... without machinery... just... naturally be able to jump up and use my arms to navigate... *sigh*
So many people don't know that ...: theres no such thing as a good tradition. You should re-evaluate all that people teach you before deciding whether or not to follow it... if its practical its not a tradition ("My family's been breathing for generations!" "I come from a long line of people who wash their hands after going to the bathroom.")
I am ...: ... me?
My heart is ...: A lump of muscles a bit larger than a fist made of two primary chambers that pumps oxygenated blood through my system.

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