It's been a looong time...though I doubt anyone actually cares what's going on in my life.
The semester is over. It went by quickly...a little too quickly. I can't believe i didn't skip a single class. I have a bunch of garbage music and aural theory finals. Monday night I get to sit in 101 for 3 hours and listen to compositions. I also have to perform mine. Why did I have to be so pretentious and write it for voice? I am rather proud of it, though.
Wednesday is my last final (piano) and after that I drive up to Gaynessville to stay the night. Then I drive Steffi home the the next day. I can't wait to go home and take many a nap with the beauties.
My Mommy and Daddy got me a Wii!! They went to Wal Mart at 4 am and sat in line for 4 hours to get one. I love them. I can't wait to play and such...but I need to get another controller so Steph and I can play at the same time. I plan on downloading oldschool games :D
Oh, so my lap top broke. Why? I dropped it while I was playing WoW LOL. The LCD (lol LSD) cracked in about 32740283 places. So I had to send it of to Circuit City for the 3rd time. (the protection plan was the best 300$ my dad ever spent xD) Everything I touch seems to break. Anyway, turns out they don't feel like fixing it so they are sending me a new computer...same model and such..just new. Maybe by next friday I'll have it. Then I can play WoW again. I could have been level 36 by now! Oh well, at least I have all of that rested exp.
Steffi wants to go to Disney every day during winter break. I have no objections. I just have to get a annual pass...oy 300$ lol.
I feel bad about not having spoken to people a lot recently. Especially if you were important to me at one point in my life. Or even if we were just acquaintances. Leave me a message. Tell me how you're doing. I really do want to know.
I think tonight will be another impromptu party hosted by the lovely Bonnie and Tony. They do it so well. No crapsacks allowed. (I guess it's not very impromptu seeing as it was planned ahead hah)
So in short:
Fall semester is over.
I want to take naps with my dogs.
I can't wait to play my Wii.
I want my new laptop so I can play Wow.
Talk to me.
Party :D
P.S. ADOPT A GREYHOUND! Please? Don't buy puppies from stores. Adopt these beauties who will love you so much. They are so abused and deserve to have a wonderful life after what they have been through. All they ask is you love them and take care of them and they will repay you in love, regardless. Talk about unconditional love.
Look how cute! He's still a puppy so he looks like he's going through puberty! Notice the really long legs and big ears. Long neck too! :D I love him.
So beautiful!
She looks just like my Pokela!
Ok enough from me.
(Edit) I just brushed my hair for the first time in a week. Hot, eh?